On my trip to Korea, I had the opportunity to meet a 7th grader named “Hollie.” I try really hard not to give more attention to one child over another, but she made it pretty hard for me not to. Hollie introduced herself to me the first day with a big grin and a contagious glow. I knew immediately that she would be unforgettable. She made a point to talk to me almost every day, sometimes we exchanged a few lines after session and other times we had long discussions over lunch.
Each day the students were allowed to sign up for a time called “round table,” which meant that 8 of them (per day) could eat lunch with one of the speakers/singers at least one time throughout the week. At one point I overheard the Middle School principal say that it was important to give everyone an opprotunirty, so each student should only sign up once. Somehow Hollie managed to make herself a place at my table almost everyday, she was a sneaky little thang. I learned that she loved to run and was quite good at it. I also discovered that she was part Korean and part American but spoke “Thai!” I teased her that she needed a tee shirt that said that on it!
One day when I was leaving lunch, Hollie came up to me and said “Christina, I really like your song “Closer to Home.” I said “thanks Hollie,” she proceeded to tell me that the reason the song was so special to her was because she had never really had a place to call home and she was thankful to know that every day she was one step closer to the home that God had prepared for her. I never knew a child could have such wisdom and insight to the lyrics of a song. Most students her age like my music because they can clap their hands to it or jump around.
I think that Hollie has a special message for all of us, even those of us who have stayed in a place for an extended length of time and consider that place “home.” Her words may resonate with you differently, but for me I felt like she was saying that she was never able to get “too comfortable” anywhere. Kind of a blessing if you think about it.
The school that I spoke at was an International School and it was stacked with students from many different places. Most of them had lived in at least three or more places and they were only in Middle School. Many of the people that I know have maybe lived one other place for college and then they moved back “home” after. A lot of times we move home because it is familiar, I don’t think that there is anything wrong with that-I did it. However there is a problem when you or I get too comfortable. It is so easy to get into a rhythm and forget who is conducting the music. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that the Lord has plans and a future for us- I think that it would be pretty difficult to see that plan unravel if I just stay in my “comfort zone” all the time, where I am comfortable, don’t you?
I am thankful that Hollie reminds you and I that this is not our final resting place, and every day we are one step CLOSER TO HOME, so we better start livin like it!
What are some ways that you are reminded that this is not your final home?
1 comment:
Home, is only temporary, until we go to the REAL ONE BABY! But, for now, I will enjoy the beauty of family and friends. :) Nice Blog.
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