I can't help but think of a goldfish. Did you know that they only grow to the limitations of their environment? Now salt water fish are a different story but fresh water fish actually grow based on their living conditions. How many times have you heard a person, usually a Christian, say "I feel like I live in a fish bowl?" What is interesting to me is that these people sometimes (not always) never out grow their bowl. They get so wrapped up in maintaining their "(Christlike) image," that they forget to grow. They/We end up limiting ourselves to our circumstances aka our "environment!"
How do I know? Because I've been "that fish," the one too afraid to outgrow my surroundings. I have at times limited myself to the expectations of others rather than breaking free with the calling that is on my life. Sure it is easy to sit on a pretty table in a quaint bowl with guaranteed meals, but why not JUMP OUT! Like the part in "Finding Nemo," those fish were crazy. But they knew that there was more to life. I don't mean live like no one is watching, unaware of your witness, but stop restricting yourself from prosperity. Don't get stuck in who you think you should be. Be who you are called to be. Outgrow your bowl! JUMP OUT!
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