I can't believe that 2008 is over. It's funny because I think that I was so eager to start a new year, I failed to notice how fast the last one went by. 2008 has taught me so many different things. Things about life, love, family and friends-the list go on.
The one major lesson that I learned about "life" this year is that "no matter how much you plan, life is still gonna happen." For type "B" personalities, this discovery is no big deal, in fact it may even be a relief. However, for the type "A's" of the world, like my self, let's just say it hurts a little to hold on to. Or should I say, "let go?" I think that for the longest time I thought that I could plan the perfect life and "pray" it into existence. I quite possibly took that whole
Jeremiah 29:11 verse a little too far! That part about "not to harm you…" It doesn't mean that you won't get hurt… which brings me to "Love."
I have learned that "no matter how much you love someone, even if they are not who you thought they were, that does not mean that you stop loving all together!" Whoo, I know that could possibly be a trailing thought, but I had to say it all at once. Some of you may or may not know that I went through an "annulment" this year (aka divorce.) My ex-husband decided that he wanted to pursue an "alternative lifestyle" that left no room for me or Jesus for that matter. God has shown me through the lies and deception that I am still called to love, no matter what. In fact, I have already lost so much; to lose love would be tragic! That brings me to "family."
"Family will always be family!" In the midst of the events that have gone on in my life over the last year, they have all stood the closest, the strongest and the tallest-prepared for anything! I must say nothing surprises us anymore. It is funny because no matter how hard you may try to get rid of them sometimes, they might even end up moving in with you-Billy ☺ ahah, I love ya! We all have our moments, but at the end of the day, God knit us together for a reason! Better love your family, because mine is already taken!
Lastly, that brings me to "Friends." I think that friends are God's "breathing blessings" on earth. I can honestly say that the friends that I have made over the last year are life long! I wish that I could name every person that has poured into my life, but I would definitely end up leaving someone out! So- I extend my thanks to all of you! Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your lives and being a part of mine. Even those of you whom I have never met, that read this blog- you inspire me to keep on writing, to keep on growing and I thank you for that! You may never know how much it means to me that you take precious time to hear my heart on paper!
I pray that each of you will "have a divine 2009."
Closing remarks…
Remember, "Even though bad things happen, that does not mean life is bad!" And for my last bit of "2 cents." Remember that our events in life do not define our existence, however, how we respond to those things, does- our reactions reveal our heart and the core of who we really are!
Be Blessed!
Rendered Heart,