Anyone that has ever seen "The Little Mermaid," or "Titanic" knows that if a ship gets too full in a storm, something has got to give. In each of these movies you see the crew trying to figure out what has the most importance (needs vs. wants), in order to know what is to be thrown over first. Amidst this observation, I/we can assume that there have been instances where the items thrown overboard, were deeply cared about, or had extreme monetary value-resulting in a great loss. How many times in life, do we see God strip us of something, that we thought we could never live without? We look around and question how we will ever survive without that job, or that car, or that house, or that guy, or that girl? Sadly, because we are human, it is easy for our identities to get wrapped up in these things and we all know that as soon as that happens, God has to help us re prioritize, and if we don't-we will SINK! Think about it, once the storm is cleared, as much as those people thought that they would miss those things, all that they can reflect on is the fact that they are alive! Nothing else matters! What if we embraced God's "pruning" of our "vessel" that way-as, "it is sooo good to be alive in Christ?" Would we view life differently? I can't help but think about the different times in my life where God insisted that certain people and or things that were important to me, be thrown "overboard," and how devastated I was-but now reflecting, since the storm has passed, I am thankful to be alive, thankful that I did not sink to the bottom. I want to be a "vessel" that flows on all cylinders, with nothing holding me back and well, sometimes that means some things just have to go "overboard!"
So I challenge you as I challenge myself, What are the things in your life that are holding you back from being the greatest vessel (in/for Christ) you can be-A vessel that is pressing on towards it's final destination-called HOME?
Take refuge in your storms...
Pslam 34:22
"The LORD redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him."
1 comment:
And in the end it all comes back to us being dependent on nothing and no one but him. What he has planned for us is so much better than what we plan for ourselves.
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