The night before the "Master Cleanse"....Ok, so I know that you all must be thinking "Why is she publicizing this?" Well because I need accountability!
So tonight, I decided to eat "Steak and Shake!" I had a cheeseburger with fries and a chocolate shake, and then when I got home and I ate some "famous amos" chocolate cookies..Did I mention that I have not had a burger slash anything (Steak and Shake) like that for at least two years? Oh man but it was good! And there was "no gym" today, talk about a blow out, or maybe I took my "last supper" a little too far! Yeah but I will not be eating solid food for another 2 weeks!!!! If you are interested in doing this too, get the book "Master Cleanse." But to give you a snip-it of my life for the next couple of weeks....(Just FYI, they tell you to ease into it, which as you can see is not my approach!)
To make the Lemonade you will need the following ingredients:
lemons/or limes
maple syrup
cayenne pepper
I also have to drink herbal tea (which I did tonight) and do a "salt bathing" in the AM (google that, fun times)
Wish me luck and do not invite me to dinner...please!
I'll be back tomorrow...Night!