Friday, March 27, 2009


FUL-FILL also ful·fil (fl-fl)
1. To bring into actuality; effect: fulfilled their promises.
2. To carry out (an order, for example).
3. To measure up to; satisfy. See Synonyms at perform, satisfy.
4. To bring to an end; complete.

I was at dinner with a friend of mine the other night, and we had a discussion about "fulfillment." We talked about our different views on certain people in our lives, that we did not feel were reaching their "full potential." It was really neat because we sat there and talked about what we thought that they should be doing, and after a while realized that maybe they were already doing exactly what they should be. As an outsider we look in on people's lives and have our own ideals of what they should be accomplishing, but those ideas are not always the other person's dreams. Now by no means do I want to confuse "settling" with this topic. No one should ever settle, however they should fight for what they are passionate about.

Just because we thought that these individuals were capable of something greater in our eyes, doesn't mean that they are not already doing what God wants them to do. Think about a missionary, many of them are highly educated and could be making a fine income elsewhere, but instead they are out in the world spreading the love of Jesus. Being a missionary, does not take a lot of head knowledge but you definitely have to have a heart for people. And at the same time think about the president of a major company, heaven knows it takes a special person to hold that type of responsibility and not just anyone can do it. I say all of that to say:

"(Success) Fulfillment is not measured by the greatness that surrounds you, but rather by the greatness that dwells in you!"

(Disclaimer: This is not like one of those sermons that you heard as a kid-that says money is bad, and having nice things is wrong, I am very thankful for the nice things that God has allowed me to have...These thoughts are only written to explain that it does not matter what you do, just do it unto the Lord!)

True fulfillment can only be found in Jesus Christ. If we commit all of our ways to him, He is faithful and will continue to reveal what he has called us to do. Let's face it, aren't we the most fulfilled when we are in His will, no matter what the task?
Because He designed us all differently, some of us are meant to be the CEO's of companies, and some of us are meant to volunteer and answer the phone at the local church. All of us have different gifts and talents, therefore God will use us all at different capacities.

What are some of the ways that God allows you to experience fulfillment? Do you see that fulfillment as a result of committing your ways to the Lord?

Proverbs 16:3 (New International Version)
3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do,
and your plans will succeed.

Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version)
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What sound does your life make?

Last night I had a great opportunity to go and see "The Celebrity Dance Event" for The Spring as well as see Daniel Bernard Roumain (DBR) perform. It was an exciting night filled with music, laughter and a lot of running. It reminded me of the movie 27 Dresses because she would go back and forth to weddings to be a part of it all. Well that is what Carissa Caricato and I did last night...We went back and forth, and did it all-in one night.

We started at the Dance event, so that we could see our friend Aakash Patel perform, he did fantastic. We then went over to the theater adjacent and watched this "DBR" as they call him. I really had no idea what he would be like, considering the fact that all I knew about him was that he played "hip hop violin." With everyone anxiously awaiting in the dark, we began to hear some music from the DJ (Elan Vytal), with an occasional spin from the turn table. DBR began to play and then in a Haitian accent I hear, "My Haitian mother always told me to always bring a gift when you go into some one's home and my Haitian father always told me to always walk with grace." And from there he started playing his violin. The lights came on and there stood a man with dreadlocks down to his knees and energy like I have never seen before. I know most of you are thinking, "oook weird." But I do not think that I would do it justice if I tried to put my experience into words. It was truly an amazing evening.

A quote from his website:

A musical exploration between contrasting cultures and instruments of classical and pop music. The violin, the keyboards, the turntables and the laptop will sing, battle and rhyme together, honoring a full spectrum of musical inventions.

Amidst this eclectic encounter, Daniel asked something that penetrated me far deeper than his music...He asked, "what is the sound of your life?" I am sure that there are many different interpretations of this internal interrogation, however, I felt like he was asking all of us in layman's terms "What does your life stand for, what does it mean?" I'd like to think that we all make music by the way we life our lives. It is kind of like the statement "He/she dances to the beat of their own drum." Everyone has a melody that is essentially our legacy. What are we going to leave with people?

There is a beautiful verse in the bible that states: (1 Corinthians 13:1) "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal."

When someone meets me, can they tell how much I love the Lord? Can they tell how much I value my family? Do they know that my friends are dear to me? Do they know that I care about them even only after 5 seconds? Can they tell that I am honest, and so on? It is so easy to take every human encounter lightly, but you have to remember that you are leaving people with your sound, with your song, what does it sound like? We all know what it is like to hear a song that greatly disturbs us. Are you that to others, or are you a beautiful symphony that soothes a stranger's soul?

We can either choose to harmonize and enhance or clash and crash. What will you do? Will you love? What sound does your life make?

Daniel, thank you for bringing us your gift and walking with grace..