What does that mean? Are we supposed to separate ourselves from “life” itself to escape? And if so, what does that say? That we must escape ourselves? WOW! In our fast pace lives of one city to the next, and furthermore from one person to the next, when do we unwind? When do we escape our environment, our responsibilities, our blackberry/iphone -to be completely in the presence of God?
I noticed today that there are very few times though out the day that I am in complete silence. Those times are when I am in the shower, sleeping and sometimes when I read my bible-that’s it. Other times through out the day I am enveloped by sound, in chaos-whether it be organized or disheveled. Even as I sit here, I hear noise, my blackberry just dinged to let me know that I have an email, my dog is sleeping and breathing pretty heavy beside me, a plane is landing behind me, the keys on the keyboard echo after I press them… Noise- it’s constant! How do I ever hear God’s voice amongst all of this? It explains why we want to hear God audibly, because we are so used to being told verbally what to do and what not to do. We are told what to hear and what not to hear -and beyond that- numerous details.
There is a great lyric in a song by the artist “pink” that says “the quite scares me, cause it screams the truth.” When you think about it, that lyric is truth. If we are in silence we are forced to be okay with being with ourselves, hearing what "we" think and not what someone else's opinion is- and it is in those quite moments that we make our deepest discoveries. Discoveries about life, love, and faith!
So what if at the end of your life, you could only testify to being a part of noise, clanging symbols? I hope there is more to life than that… Today allow yourself to hear “you” think, to hear what you have to say and what God has to say to you…Truth is essential to life, rediscover it, unwind!
In this time alone, is there anything that you dicovered that you would like to share?